2015 Kinston Ice Bowl Player List


Barrett Thompson
Spencer Hill
Zach Carter
Casey Davis

Michael Coloton
Sean Lindsay
Steve Rogers
Ethan Bowen
Steven O’Dell
Houston Davis

Adv. Masters
Joel Smith
Bryan Connor
Bruce Baginski

Daniel Coward
Eddie Baxter
Pat Beard
Eric Murphy
Tate Allen
Spencer Harrison
Michael Brown
Clayton Aycock
Michael Grudowski
Jordan Hughes
Ryan Clapp
Jordan Ervin
Tanner Hawkins
Jim West

Tater Tot
Sarah Lindsay
Christian Smith

Kinston Ice Bowl
2015 Sponsors

Hwy. 70E

Riverside Bicycles

m3 Consulting

Neuse Lawn and Landscaping

John Marston, Financial Representative & Insurance Services

George L. Jenkins, Attorney at Law

Steve Rogers

Andrew Duppstadt

Friends of Kinston Disc Golf

Squirrel Sponsors

Sponsor Locations and Phone Numbers are on our Sponsors page.

Please thank our sponsors for helping to make the Ice Bowl possible and for supporting disc golf in Kinston.